Ariana Lloyd, LCSW

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August 2024 Clinical Supervision Topic: Eliciting Feedback

Why do we elicit feedback?

Eliciting feedback is crucial for several reasons:

1. Enhances Therapeutic Alliance: Feedback helps build and maintain a strong therapeutic relationship. It shows clients that their opinions and feelings are valued, fostering trust and collaboration.

2. Improves Treatment Effectiveness: Regular feedback allows us to adjust our approach based on the client's experiences and responses. This can lead to more effective and tailored interventions.

3. Identifies and Addresses Issues Early: Gathering feedback can help identify any issues or misunderstandings early in the clinical process. Addressing these can prevent future problems.

4. Empowers Clients: When clients provide feedback, they actively participate in their treatment. This can empower them, enhance their self-awareness, and promote a sense of ownership over their progress.

5. Facilitates Continuous Improvement: Feedback highlights areas for our improvement and reinforces effective practices, contributing to ongoing growth and skill enhancement.

6. Monitors Progress: Regular feedback helps in tracking progress over time. It provides concrete data on what is working and what might need adjustment, helping the work remain on track.

So how do you elicit feedback? Let’s pool our mental resources, wisdom and experience and come together to discuss!