Ariana Lloyd, LCSW

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February 2021 Clinical Supervision Topic: Goal Consensus (& Collaboration)

This month we’ll be talking about goal consensus and collaboration. These are some of the common factors (first discussed here). Goal consensus is one piece of the therapeutic alliance.

Often when we aren’t seeing the progress we hope for with clients, it can be attributed to being on different pages from one another, and needing to agree on what we’re working toward and who will be completing which tasks.

Here’s the article we will be discussing and it is so good. Interpersonal violence and goal consensus. Check it out!

In addition to reading the article, take some time to review your caseload, or at least 5 of your folks. Next to their name, write what your goal is for them, in as much description as possible. Do you hope they leave an abusive partner? Hope they find stable housing? Do you hope they will start to believe in themselves and make some good friends? In as non-clinical terms as possible, what are your goals for your clients?

Next, write what you understand their goals to be. Not just their treatment plan goals, but what they are really, really wanting in their work with you. Again, no jargon, no clinical language. What are they telling their friends they come to see you for?

Bring your lists and we’ll discuss them and the article at our sessions. Questions or comments below.