December Clinical Supervision Group Topic: Polyvagal Theory

December Clinical Supervision Group Topic: Polyvagal Theory

Hi All!

I hope you are all enjoying the holiday season, if you choose to celebrate.

This month we’re covering Polyvagal Theory. This theory has helped me better understand and take care of myself. It’s helped me more accurately assess the people I work with, and better choose which intervention to utilize at any given time. It’s incredibly effective and applicable!

Here’s a great visual of the three nervous system states we can find ourselves in: ventral vagal, sympathetic and dorsal. If you click on the picture, it will lead you to further information.

Stephen Porges is the researcher who identify this theory, and Deb Dana is an LCSW who has been a huge part of disseminating the information to therapists so we can integrate it into our practice (classic social worker move by the way!). Ms. Dana has a great overview and handout here. And, as I mentioned in my email, the Polyvagal podcast is a really great place to start learning about this theory, especially if you have more time to listen (I do it while commuting or cleaning or other activities starting with the letter C) than you do to sit down and read.

Bring your questions, your experiences, your critiques and your willing and ready minds! We’ll have some great discussions this month. See you all soon.

As a reminder, my current groups are:

2nd Mondays 5:30-7:30pm at Taborspace on 5441 SE Belmont

2nd Sundays 3:30-5:30pm at my Vancouver office (location soon to change)

3rd Sundays 3:30-5:30pm at Taborspace

GROUP STARTING SOON (details may change slightly): 2nd Thursdays 11:00-1pm at a new North Portland office location (off Killingsworth and Denver).

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