August 2023 Clinical Supervision Topic: Eliciting Feedback

August 2023 Clinical Supervision Topic: Eliciting Feedback

How do we know if we’re on the right track with our clients? Well, we check our goals, measure their progress, and most importantly, we elicit feedback.

How do we know if our clients feel safe with us? We watch their nervous system cues, pay attention to the information they are willing to share with us, and again, elicit feedback.

How do we know if our client is dissatisfied with services? We pay attention to their attendance rates, watch for microexpressions, and, of course, elicit feedback.

I guess I can’t emphasize enough how important our choice to elicit feedback is. What do you think about it? How have you found it helpful? Where have you learned about it, and what are the skillful ways you’ve found to do it? What are the most important things to elicit feedback around with your particular clients?

Looking forward to chatting with you this month.

See previous years here (including a really great how-to from Susie Snyder, LCSW).

September 2023 Clinical Supervision Topic: Self-Compassion

September 2023 Clinical Supervision Topic: Self-Compassion

July 2023 Clinical Supervision Topic: Therapist Effect

July 2023 Clinical Supervision Topic: Therapist Effect