Private Practice Party MC: Christopher Scott of Hip Hop Social Worker

I heard about Christopher through his podcast the Hip Hop Social Worker, and asked him to come MC the Private Practice Party. He’s got a lot of interesting and important projects around social work, race, oppression, and working with youth in the justice system. I’m excited for you all to get to know him and learn about his work, and understand how it impacts your work and how you build your business.   

Private Practice Party Speaker: Featuring Emelie Blank!

Our Private Practice Party is an event where curious therapists, social workers and counselors can meet every expert they’d want to consult with and/or hire all in one room. We’ve taken out the legwork for you and found the best of the best. Emeile Blank is one of three speakers who will share how she’s successfully navigated building a private practice, group practice and a creative agency on the side!

Private Practice Party Speaker: Featuring Andrea Redeau!

Andrea Redeau, LPC is a therapist who will be a speaker at the Private Practice Party! She’ll share on how she built her private practice which focuses on serving people of color and exploring oppression, finding solutions for depression, anxiety, life transitions and more. She’ll give insider tips you can use to build your new practice.

January 2020 Clinical Supervision Topic: Goal Consensus & Collaboration

For January all of our clinical supervision sessions will be centered around learning about the Common Factors and goal consensus and collaboration. Being on the same page as your client starts with knowing what they identify as the problem, and what they believe will be the solution. From there, you brainstorm, explore, and negotiate until you’re both ready to start the work together.

November Clinical Supervision Group Topic: Therapeutic Alliance

This month in our clinical supervision groups we are discussing the therapeutic alliance. The strength of the therapeutic alliance is one of the biggest factors in determining the length, quality, and outcome of treatment. Basically, it’s one of the most important things to pay attention to (and get really good at) in our work. We’ll go over how it’s defined and how to improve it.