July 2024 Clinical Supervision Topic: Therapist Effect

July 2024 Clinical Supervision Topic: Therapist Effect

See our previous years here.

Therapist effect is the part of the research that is unknown, it seems, but it basically says that we know that therapy is different based on the clinician. Seems pretty straightforward, right? But how do you enhance your therapist effect? Besides becoming proficient with the common factors, what else can you do?

Let’s explore this together. What are you curious and passionate about in your work? What elements of it excite you or pique your interest? What are you experimenting with? What are you hoping to bring to your clients?

For me, I’ve been thinking more about:

  • humor in clinical practice

  • self-disclosure as it relates to what I’m feeling on a somatic level in response to my clients’ experiences

  • and always, the practice of self-compassion both for the practitioner and the client.

Looking forward to hearing your ideas!

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